Connect Grow Serve

ARISE Groups are groups of 15-20 people that meet weekly all over San Diego with the purpose to Connect (with each other), Grow (In relationships and our walk with God) and Serve (God and people)!

How often will my group meet?

ARISE Groups meet once a week for 60-90 minutes. It's a short term commitment that will make a long-term impact on your spiritual growth!

What happens after I sign up?

When you sign up, the leader of the group you are interested in will contact you with the address of the groups meeting place and answer any questions you may have about the group.

What kind of groups are there?

We have several categories of groups so you can quickly find one that best fits you: General, Married Couples, Men, Women, Young Adults, and Youth.

Fall Semester Starts August 16, 2021!

Please sign up for a group for more information.

Group Meeting Day (click on a day of the week to skip to that days groups):

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Monday Groups

Group#: M1

Leader: Jim Nottoli

Group Name: Men’s Group

Time: Starts Monday August 16th @ 7:00PM to 8:15PM

Location: Lemon Grove, 91945

Group Description:  A gathering of men that desire connection, accountability and encouragement from godly men. Weekly topical discussions regarding faith, God's plans and spiritual growth.

Tuesday Groups

Group#: T1

Leader: Veronica Kemp

Group Name: Women’s Group

Time: Starts Tuesday August 17th @ 6:00PM to 7:30PM

Location: Arise Christian Church 

Group Description: Women of the Word.  As women we need to learn to study His Word from a God perspective, in other words when we read a passage, ask what does this passage tell/teach me about God, rather than asking what does this passage say about me.  Come join us will have a great time together!

Wednesday Groups


Leader: Pastor Mike Williams

Group Name: General / Open to all 

Time: Starts Wednesday August 18th at 6:00PM to 7:30PM

Location: Arise Christian Church 

Group Description:   The New Testament Church. Jesus said: “I will build My church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it”. Psalms 127:1 declares: “unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain”. 1 Peter 2:5 “You yourselves like lively stones are being built up as a spiritual house.” The Apostle Paul, in Romans 12:5, 1 Cor. 10:17, Eph. 4:12 and Hebrews 13:3 refers to the New Testament Church as the Body of Christ. Made up of many members, all connected to each other, all vitally needed, unique from each other but united In Christ. Are we following the divine design of what the New Testament Church should be? Should modern day culture learn to adapt itself to the early church practices? Or are the early church practices no longer relevant? What were some of the challenges of the early church? What is working and what's not in our churches today? Join in the group discussion and let's learn together as we explore this very important topic.

Thursday Groups

Group#: Th1

Leader: Pastor Ryan and Jennifer Moore

Group Name: Young Adults

Time: Starts Thursday August 19th @ 6:00PM to 7:30PM

Location: Arise Christian Church

Group Description: Join us as we focus on relationships. There are 3 very important relationships created by God for us to grow in.  What are they?  Come and find out as we learn and grow together! 

Friday Groups

Group#: F1

Leader:  Jeff and Elizabeth Boyd

Group Name: Married Couples

Time: Starts Friday August  27th @ 6:30PM to 8:00PM

Location: 92123

Group Description: Join us as we study “You and Me Forever“ by Francis and Lisa Chan. The subtitle of the book “Marriage in light of Eternity“ helps us focus on the fact that our Primary goal is to love God and fulfill His calling on our lives.  Loving our spouse from the perspective of having them hear “Well done, good and faithful servant“ when they stand before God helps us see our marriage in a whole different light. 

Saturday Groups


Leader: Petra Tran and Valerie Reyes

Group Name: Youth (age 11 1/2 to 18) 

Time: Starts Saturday, August  21st at 6:00PM to 7:30PM

Location: Arise Christian Church 

Group Description:  Join us as we will be going through a Bible reading plan of the book of Esther + some chill hangout time, games, and sometimes snacks too!

Sunday Groups


Leader: Jon and Aneita High

Group Name: General / Open to all

Time: Starts Sunday August 22nd @ 12:30PM to 4:00PM

Location: De Anza Cove 

Group Description: Join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship.  We plan to spend the first hour breaking bread (BYOL) and discussing the Sunday sermon.  Then we will have activity time (volleyball, Frisbee, etc) or just sitting back and enjoying the Bay.  Feel free to invite your friends and your favorite outdoor games.